The ability to receive guaranteed income for life.
The ability to provide for survivor income continuation.
The ability for your entire account value to bypass probate upon your death.
The ability to “walk away” with your full account value during your lifetime.
The ability to lock in all gains credited against any future market downturn.
The ability to earn returns linked to the market and minimum guarantees in place as well.
The ability to grow your account on a tax-deferred basis. [more net growth than your gains taxed annually]
The ability to withdraw 10% each year from your account during the contract holding period [while it is in the accumulation/growth mode].
The ability to withdraw your funds 100% free from liquidity charges in the event of medical emergency.
The ability to double your annual income stream in the event of a long term care confinement.
The ability to provide peace of mind knowing your principle and gains are safe and your income will be there as long as you need it.